Aarti Trehan-B.Sc. 2nd Year-Chemistry
Spectroscopy Basics
UV spectroscopy
IR spectroscopy
NMR & ESR spectroscopy
UV spectroscopy
IR spectroscopy
NMR & ESR spectroscopy

Anirban-BA Bengali 3rd Year-Introduction to Linguistics
Every Language selects some symbols for its selected sounds.
What is Linguistics?
Some Fundamental Concepts and Distinctions in Linguistics
Modern Linguistics: A Historical Survey
The Study of Language variation
Morphology and Word Formation

Anita -M.Tech - Adv. Prog. With VB
Some topics we will cover under this course are
1.How to work with Graphics in VB
2.File Handling and File Control
3.Working with Images
4. Working with Database Objects
5.Error Handling
1.How to work with Graphics in VB
2.File Handling and File Control
3.Working with Images
4. Working with Database Objects
5.Error Handling

Arjita-M.com1st Year-HRM
It will consists of
1. Introduction to human resource management
2. Major functions, and
3. techniques.
1. Introduction to human resource management
2. Major functions, and
3. techniques.

Asha Rani- B.Sc1st year-Inorganic chemistry
1. S- bock elements
2. P-block elements
3. D-block elements
4. F-block elements
2. P-block elements
3. D-block elements
4. F-block elements

This course will discuss the physiology of endocrine system
1. Different endocrine glands
2. Hormones secreted by these glands
3. Functions of these hormones
4. Regulation of their secretion
1. Different endocrine glands
2. Hormones secreted by these glands
3. Functions of these hormones
4. Regulation of their secretion