M.A. (Final) English Semester-IV

MA I English Semester II Paper VI (Harroop Virk)
Max. Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
Note: (To be printed in the question paper)
1. Besides Question No. 1, which is compulsory, a candidate shall choose one question from each of the four units, attempting five questions in all.
2. Each of the 5 questions carries 16 marks.
Note for Paper-Setters:
The paper-setter will set 9 questions in all.
Question No. 1 shall consist of four short answer type questions evenly spread over the whole syllabus. Each of the answers should be of about 100-150 words. There will be no internal choice in this question.
Two questions will be set from each unit.
Unit-I: Shakespeare
: Hamlet
Unit-II: John Donne: The following poems from The Metaphysical Poets ed. Helen
(Penguin) are prescribed:
"The Flea",
"The Good Morrow", "Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star",
"The Sun Rising", "The Canonization", "A Valediction: Forbidding
Mourning", "The Extasie", "Batter My Heart:Three Person' d God",
“Loves Growth”, “Since she whome I lovd, hath payd her last debt”.
Unit-III: John Webster
The Duchess of Malfi
Unit-IV: Francis Bacon:
"Of Unity in Religion", “Of Simulation and Dissimulation”, "Of Friendship", "Of Ambition",
"Of Great Place", “Of Studies",
"Of Truth", “Of Nature in Men”, “Of Love”, “Of Parents and

Course of English Language for students of MA English Semester III

Neetu Bakshi-BA-III(Hons)English (Paper XI Modern British Literature-I)
This course Modern British Literature aims to inform students about a shift from the traditions of the previous Victorian literature and the 20th-century writers who responded by writing more intellectually challenging works.

Neetu Bakshi-Communication Skills (English)-I B.Sc. (Hons.) I T

Neetu Bakshi: B.A. Sem.-I(English)
Literature and Language-I, a textbook designed for undergraduate students, brings together an array of prose pieces and exhaustive lessons in vocabulary, grammar and speaking and writing skills. The prose pieces included in this book are drawn from various cultural and social contexts and provide a wide range of perspectives on socially relevant themes and topics. The authors featured here include Mahatma Gandhi, Stephen Hawking. Vandana Shiva and J. C. Bose, among many others. Each essay is accompanied by information about the author and a glossary section so that learners can develop an understanding of the cultural and social contexts of the essay.

Sonika Sethi- Eng Hons III (Paper XIII)
Welcome to English Honours Course Paper XIII- World Literature. In this paper we shall study Novels, Essays, Poetry and Short Stories by writers from different countries of the World.