B.Sc. (Hons.) I T Sem. II Communication Skills (English)
Nomenclature: Communication Skills (English)-II
Part A (Theory) Maximum Marks: 30+10
Time: 3 Hours
Q1. This question is compulsory, consisting of short answer type questions based on all four units. (6Marks)
Q2. This part will be based on Unit – I and will have an internal choice. The candidate will be required to
attempt any of the two topics chosen from Unit-I (6*1=6 Marks).
Q3. This part will be based on Unit – II and will have an internal choice. The candidate will be required to
attempt any of the two topics chosen from Unit-II (6*1=6 Marks).
Q4. The candidate is required to answer any 6 out of 9 terms in to English based on UNIT- III (6*1= 6 marks).
Q5. The candidate is required to answer any 6 out of 9 terms in to English based on UNIT- IV (6*1= 6 marks).
Note: -
1. The syllabus is divided into 4 units.
2. A student is required to attempt 5 questions in all.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
5. 2 questions are set from each unit. A student is required to attempt 1 question from each unit.
Part A (Theory) Maximum Marks: 30+10
Time: 3 Hours
Q1. This question is compulsory, consisting of short answer type questions based on all four units. (6Marks)
Q2. This part will be based on Unit – I and will have an internal choice. The candidate will be required to
attempt any of the two topics chosen from Unit-I (6*1=6 Marks).
Q3. This part will be based on Unit – II and will have an internal choice. The candidate will be required to
attempt any of the two topics chosen from Unit-II (6*1=6 Marks).
Q4. The candidate is required to answer any 6 out of 9 terms in to English based on UNIT- III (6*1= 6 marks).
Q5. The candidate is required to answer any 6 out of 9 terms in to English based on UNIT- IV (6*1= 6 marks).
Note: -
1. The syllabus is divided into 4 units.
2. A student is required to attempt 5 questions in all.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
5. 2 questions are set from each unit. A student is required to attempt 1 question from each unit.

ALKA SHARMA--MA-(English)P-V-Study of Genre-Fiction
Genre is a category of artistic, musical,or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content. Fiction is one the most popular genres of literature. Fiction generally, is a narrative form, consisting of people, events,or places that are imaginary-not necessarily based on history or real life facts.Fiction is mainly of three types:Novel,Short Story,Novella. Out of these three --novel, and novella are prescribed in this paper.