Jaideep Atri-B.A. Ist Yr-Basics of Computer Education
Basics of Computer Education
1. Computer Fundamentals
2. Word Processor
3. Presentation Software
4. Spreadsheet
5. Internet Fundamentals
Kamal-B.Com2nd-Marketing Management
This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action. The course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities, also explaining buyer behavior and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.
KarnikaGupta-B.Com(2nd Semester)-Marketing
This course will help students learn about Marketing, and they can understand all basics with easy steps.
Ist Topic: Product Decisions
2nd Topic: Pricing Decisions
3rd Topic: Place Decisions
4th Topic: Promotion Decisions
Ist Topic: Product Decisions
2nd Topic: Pricing Decisions
3rd Topic: Place Decisions
4th Topic: Promotion Decisions