Advanced Calculus-B.A/B.Sc.III Semester (section A)
1. Continuous Function
2. The Derivative and Mean Value Theorems
3. Indeterminate Form
1. Limit and Continuity of Functions of Two Variables
2. Partial Differentiation
1. Differentiability of Function of Two Variables
2. Maximum and Minimum of a Function of Two Variables
1. Curve in Space
2. Circle of Curvature and Spherical Curvature
3. Involutes and Evolutes
4. Concept of a Surface and Envelopes
1. Continuous Function
2. The Derivative and Mean Value Theorems
3. Indeterminate Form
1. Limit and Continuity of Functions of Two Variables
2. Partial Differentiation
1. Differentiability of Function of Two Variables
2. Maximum and Minimum of a Function of Two Variables
1. Curve in Space
2. Circle of Curvature and Spherical Curvature
3. Involutes and Evolutes
4. Concept of a Surface and Envelopes

B.Com S.F. 1st Semester
The following is the Syllabus/Chapters to be covered in this Semester
1. Logarithms
2. Sequence & Series
3. Differentiation
4. Maxima & Minima
5. Algebra of Matrices
6. Determinants
7. Matrices (Continued)
8. Compound Interest
9. Annuities
The following is the Google Meet Link for Online Class Lecture 6th at 12:20 p.m. & this link is valid till 5th December, 2020 except Sundays & Holidays.

B.Sc. Vth Semester Section 'B' (Paper: BM-352)
Section :- 1
Groups & Subgroups
Section :- 2
Homomorphisms & Automorphisms
Permutation Groups
Section :- 3
Rings & Fields
Ideals & Quotient Rings
Homomorphisms of Rings
Section :- 4
Euclidean Rings
Polynomial Rings
Following is the Google Meet Link for Online Class 1st Lecture at 9:00 a.m. till 05th December, 2020 except Sundays & Holidays.
Groups & Subgroups
Section :- 2
Homomorphisms & Automorphisms
Permutation Groups
Section :- 3
Rings & Fields
Ideals & Quotient Rings
Homomorphisms of Rings
Section :- 4
Euclidean Rings
Polynomial Rings
Following is the Google Meet Link for Online Class 1st Lecture at 9:00 a.m. till 05th December, 2020 except Sundays & Holidays.

BA/BSc 5th semester Numerical Analysis BM-353
This is Mathematics 3rd paper of BA/B. Sc 5th semester.
Only theory part will be covered here.